Composed by: Robert Ward
Libretto by: Bernard Stambler
Based on the play by: Arthur Miller
Directed by: Stephanie Havey
Opera Santa Barbara, CA - 2019

Conducted by: Kostis Protopapas
Set by: Steven C. Kemp
Lighting by: Jared Sayeg

“The stage environment displayed suggestive architectural forms from the creative cauldron of set designer Steven Kemp. Upright forests were eventually transformed into abstract logs that resembled a house that exploded in chaos, or perhaps a pile of about to burn kindling visually fueling the scenes, a compelling visual element that provoked comment on the disintegration of the Salem citizenry. The lighting and sets transcended the intimate stage of the historic Lobero Threatre adding a compelling impact throughout."

Robert F. Adams

“Aided by a terrific set and a marvelous supporting cast, the principals in this chilling tale delivered one of the season’s most exciting performances of any kind in Santa Barbara. With talent like this and such professional production values, Opera Santa Barbara has to be one of the most promising and watchable companies in the country.”

Charles Donelan
Santa Barbara Independent